domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Module 8 evidence

Since I study practicing, I usually do diagrams or worksheets in Excel to practice and see the behaviour  of what I am studying, for this modular exam I did a diagram that showed my the key aspects of a Polynomial, they don't have a lot of format since they are for studying, and they are more comprehensible with compress information, this is my usual form of study and it will continue to be.

Module 9 Evidence

The ninth module was not the hardest module, although I found some exercises to be challenging, I understood the procedure since day one, the issue was that I didn't comprehend the reason why we did those procedures, unlike the rest of the course in which procedures seem much more obvios and logical, at the end I practiced the Descartes Rule of Signs a lot and found out what was happening, and why there were many zeros in the polynomials, this particular problem was the one that have me those answers and finally let me finish the course with great advancements in my scholar life.

Module 6 Evidence

So comprehend the behaviour of the quadratic graphs, we made a video for our partial project that consisted on one of out team members throwing a ball into a ring, forming in it's path a parabola, we needed to take measurements so after the production of the video we were able to calculate every aspect of the parabola, mainly the vertex, intercepts, but calculating the formula was by far the most difficult procedure, I was in charge of the calculations required in the project, it was the most challenging work I did in the entire course, because we never saw how to do the procedure backwards, reason why it was so productive, because I needed to find the way to solve the problem by may own, at the end it was simpler than I thought, the hard part was to find what you actually needed to do.

Module 4 Evidence

To practice for the modular exam, I decided to do some of the book's exercises, in which I made the procedure and gave a result, which I compared to the book's answers, many of them turn to be correct, but some of them turn out to be wrong, in order to see what I got wrong I did the exercise again, but to understand why the answer was what is was, I use the tool of geogebra to see the behaviour and answers of the problems, from there on I have use this tool to make graphs that make me understand the reason why the graphs behave the way they do.

Module 5 Evidence

For this module, I decided to upload the pictures of the summary that I have done for the final project, because they represent the knowledge that I have acquired during this module, since it mostly a theoretical module, I found it hard to use another evidence, so this summary represents what it is and that is theory, even though it didn't had so much usage at first, the next modules were incredibly dependent on what we saw in this module, reason why is was the second most important module for this course, it have the bases for the next 4 modules, in conclusion, if I use any knowledge form the next 4 modules during my life, then I will be using module 5 as well.

Module 7 Evidence

This is my evidence of Module 7

This are three exercises done during Module 7, as a collaborative activity that left two thing to ourselves, first of all, we as a team, learned to write and personalise mathematical formulas and procedures, in a Excel worksheet, so from now on, I will be able organise my self in a digital manner for mathematical usages, the second point is that we were able to practice the most challenging unit of the entire course, because it involved every aspect that we have known of Mathematics, and we also used common sense to figure out the formulas and variables, we also target and accomplish the objetive of the Module that was to apply quadratic equations.

Final Reflexion "Principles of Mathematical Modelling"


During this semester I have learn about the usages of polynomials and quadratic equations and how they behave, with this acquired information I will be able to learn more on the topic and deepen into the would of algebra, this is the first step for more useful and complex equations use in many fields of the world, Economics and Finances been the ones that most interest me, for example I can now use the CPI formulas to calculate the inflation in a determined Fiscal Years with the CPI based products.

This portafolio will allow me to generate a portafolio of evidences that can prove that I understood the issues seen on the course, so I will be able to go back into this portafolio when ever I forgot or need to check a specific topic.

The course of Principles of Mathematical Modelling has been one of the most practical and challenging course of maths that I have ever taken, therefore in the next math's course I will be able to keep up this working rhythm and be able to have a more successful grade than this course that could have been better.